Friday, April 8, 2011

Make Money Without Money

It is true that you can make money with no money. There have been very successful people come up with very lucrative means to have their own business; and they had no money to start with, just vision and ambition. They all knew one thing; they could begin with nothing and they may have never heard or believed, "it takes money to make money."

This particular saying has prevented so many people from beginning what could be a major, money-making venture. Beginning your own small business from scratch with nothing, nada or zilch will also keep you out of debt by racking up mountains of money to pay back to someone or somewhere. There is no interest charges on your own few dollars here and there. This is the genius of bootstrapping your business. Nobody can take it away, what you create, design or make with your own two hands and if it cost very little or nothing so much the better.

A great way to save money and not spend is to forget overhead costs. At least any extra ones; work out of your spare bedroom, the basement or the dining room table until you are established and begin making money.

There are huge benefits to working out of your own home:
1. No extra office to pay for, (lease, utilities, etc.).
2. No commute to the office.
3. Cut out or reduce child care expenses.

You can pocket all those extra savings just by working out of your own home.

You probably already have some idea of what you want to do to start your own business or work from home. Make sure it is a good choice without using any or a lot of money. It would be practically impossible to bootstrap a clothing store or restaurant without an extra building or lots of expensive equipment and inventory.

But, you can start a cleaning business, an elder care business, a pet sitting/walking/grooming business with almost nothing. There are hundreds, even thousands, of other things you can do to bring in a second income or even primary income if you have to.

Shoestring budgeting is a great way to start your own business to make money without money.

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