Monday, June 22, 2009

Making money

Isn't that what it's all about. Maybe you already have a good job and you're looking for a second job to supplement it. Just something that is fairly easy, low cost and won't take years to get a degree for. That is what this blog is going to be all about. My other blogs are fairly successful in the fact that people look at them and that is cool but if I am honest and look at the stats it is because they keep looking at the same posts over and over. This blog is to elaborate on just those posts that seem relevant to the making money articles.

See, there are companies out there that pay you to work from home, that info can be found on my telecommuting page;
This is great, but what if you aren't fortunate enough to work for one of those companies.

What if you just want to work from home, be your own boss, all that. Well, I have tons of solutions and if I spread the word, then you guys will spread the word.

Now you're thinking this is just a ploy to get folks to read my blog. On some level, YES, you'd be right but with over 13,000 hits on my article about how to be a field inspector on e-How then I think that makes me able to say I can write something worth reading.

I'd like to create more and better new ways for people to start basically their own business with just things they already have instead of going out and buying costly equipment. I have successfully done quite a few of these projects. There are a few of them that are what I intend to do to retire. So, I must have a lot of faith. See, there is a good reason for this, they were lucrative money makers, they didn't cost a fortune to start and in some cases there are others you have to work for or answer to but they won't be hanging over your shoulder.

So you guys keep checking in and we'll figure out ways for you to make money without it costing you an arm and leg.

Just for your own interest, if you want to check out the article on e-How, How to be a Field Inspector, it is written under the display name tdixon777.

Thanks, and work happier, not harder.

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